Join the X-Club! Hide a Treasure ~ Share a Smile!

It’s easy to get started and become part of the X-Club!

All you have to do is hide a Treasure Chest in some discreet and appropriate location for someone to come along and ‘randomly’ find.

Follow these 4 easy steps on how to hide a Treasure Chest for The Treasure Chest Project™:

  1. Add the treasure of your choice inside your Treasure Chest. You can purchase Treasure Chests on Amazon, in your local stores, or create one of your own. (See other examples)
  2. Inside the Treasure Chest you should also include TheTreasureChestProject™ contact information for the finder to let the community know they found it. (YOU CAN PRINT TTCP CONTACT NOTES FOR INSIDE YOUR TREASURE CHEST HERE)
  3. You are ready to hide your Treasure Chest in a discreet and appropriate location for someone else to find it! X-Citing!
  4. After you hide your Treasure Chest, take a photo and share! Send to TTCP@thetreasurechestproject, post on TTCP’s FACEBOOK GROUP PAGE, or share on the MW Forum in the TTCP Section!

That’s it! Become a X-Club Member Today! Spread the X- Citement!


Don’t forget to add TTCP Contact Information! We want to hear from those who find Treasures!

The Treasure Chest Project Contact Note

Although it might never be known who found your hidden treasure chest (unless they let us know), it certainly gave you a smile when you hid it and it surely gave a smile to the person who found it.  AND THAT IS WHAT MATTERS MOST!


How much X-Citement and Smiles can The Treasure Chest Project™ give away!


Placing a Treasure Chest in the Shire! Includes Dollar Coin and the One Ring to Rule them All! (play ring)

Some Treasure Chest Examples (see more in Gallery)

(REMEMBER…. the Treasures can be anything! Something small or big! They all give smiles and are fun to find and hide!)